
Happy Holidays and Please Stay Safe Out There

Yes, your European automobile is designed to handle any situation you may come across while on the road, but the holidays pose additional risks to drivers. East Coast EuroWerks is happy to service your vehicle before your holiday travel. We’d also like to offer the following tips to ensure your holiday drive is safe. After all, the holidays should be filled with joy and cheer.

Understand the Dangers

Drivers face numerous dangers as they navigate the holiday roads. Drunk driving alone accounts for over 300 fatalities between Christmas and New Year each year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. December 2016 saw over 700 automobile accident fatalities throughout the month. You may be sober and cautious driving to and from holiday parties, but other drivers aren’t, so stay alert.

Weather can also pose holiday driving dangers. We might not get a lot of snow here in Wilmington, NC, but if you’re driving into an area that does, or driving through areas that do, check the weather to make sure you aren’t heading into a severe winter storm. Again, you might not be the driver to pose an accident threat, but other drivers might be careless on the slick roads. It’s best to avoid them if you can.

Be Safe Despite the Dangers

Think about each potential danger and what you would do if met by it. If you notice someone driving erratically, stay far back or change lanes to avoid the driver. If it’s clear the driver is drunk. Hand your cell phone to a passenger and call the authorities. If the weather is inclement, slow down by at least 10 mph depending on the conditions, and also stay far back from the vehicle in front of you.

You have dangers inside your vehicle, too. Cell phones cause automobile accidents even with hands-free usage. How? They distract you. Distracted driving is dangerous driving; in fact, if you are really distracted, you may as well be drunk because you aren’t paying attention to the road. Turn off your phone and have your passengers silence theirs. Don’t become distracted and cause an accident.

Pack a vehicle emergency kit just in case you are involved in an accident or get stranded. You should include necessities such as blankets, food, and water. Drink plenty of water along the trip to keep hydrated and alert, and stop plenty of times to refresh yourself by getting out of the vehicle to move your legs. Snacks should be high in protein and low in fat to avoid getting tired.

Happy holidays from East Coast EuroWerks in Wilmington, NC! Call us to set up an automobile service before your holiday drive.


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