
My Brakes Won’t Stop Squealing

The only time your brakes should squeal is if you have to stop suddenly to avoid an accident or other danger. You will hear a screeching sound that is actually the tires instead of the brakes. Other than that, your brake system on your European automobile should operate quietly. If you hear constant squealing, bring your vehicle into East Coast EuroWerks for a brake inspection because something is wrong.

Squealing While You Drive

Imagine you’re driving along, and the faster you go, the louder a squealing sound gets. You turn off your music and listen carefully. The noise sounds as if it’s coming from the wheels. As you slow down, the squealing sound lessens; it stops completely when you stop. You pick up speed only to hear the squealing sound get louder again. This is likely your brake pad replacement indicator, letting you know it’s time to replace the pads. This indicator is built into the pads to alert drivers that the brake pads run out of their friction-causing surface. Your brake light might also turn on.

Squealing When You Stop

The brake pads can also squeal when they’re glazed. This condition is dangerous. Brake pads and the rotors press up against glaze when they’re too hot, which means your brakes are overheating. Overheating can be caused by driver error, i.e., you’re riding the brakes constantly, or a problem in the brake system. Brakes will fail if they get too hot, and not only will you hear the glazed brake pads and rotors squeal, but you’ll also smell them. It’s important to park your vehicle in a safe spot and allow your brakes to cool down before you continue on your way. An even better idea is to call for a tow.

Brakes will also squeal every time you use them if the anti-rattle clips are broken. Brake pads rest loosely on calipers and are held in place by parts called pad stays. Anti-rattle clips are used to prevent the pads from vibrating. If the clips are worn, the brakes will squeal. Calipers are protected from brake pad backings with insulation shims, making the brakes squeal if they are worn down. Finally, if the rotor surfaces are not cut properly or haven’t been cut at all, this will cause your brakes to squeal. Things such as glazing and wear and tear can affect the rotor surfaces.

European automotive experts East Coast EuroWerks would be happy to inspect your vehicle’s brakes. Call our Wilmington, NC, shop to schedule a service visit.

Photo by Pelucco from Getty Images Signature Canva Pro

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